How to connect to UIC-CA ?

Step 1: Go to the login page

Clic on "Login" on the top right of the interface.

Step 2: Enter your AccountID

Enter a valid AccountID.

Step 3: Sign in with Microsoft Authenticator

Do the Microsoft Authenticator connection process through the MFA using your phone app using the email linked to the AccountID.

Step 4: Enter your password

Enter your personnal password to succeed the authentication.

How to forward an account ?

Step 1: Clic on the manage company key page

Once logged in, clic on "manage company key" on the top right of the interface.

Step 2: Select the accountID that will be forwarded

Select the AccountID on the dropdown section and verify that the actual email correspond to the account that will be forwarded.

Step 3: Enter the new email

Enter carrefully the email of the new user that will receive this account.

Once the button "Change personnal data link to the account" pressed, the new email will receive an email allowing him to reset his password.

The new user will have 72h to change his password, if the password hasn't been changed the process will be canceled.

Step 4: Reset the password

The new user must follow the link present in the email to change the password.

Once the password has been changed, the new user will receive an azure invitation allowing him to join an Azure.

This invitation is mandatory to accept to allow connection through microsoft authenticator.

Step 5: Accept the Azure invitation

This invitation is mandatory to accept to allow connection through microsoft authenticator.

How to generate my CSR ?

Step 1: Generate your private Key

Create a private key using openssl, here a code to how to do it below :

openssl genpkey -algorithm RSA -out private_key.pem -pkeyopt rsa_keygen_bits:2048

This will result in one file "private_key.pem" (your private key).

Step 2: Extract the public key

Using this following code you will be able to extract the public key from the private key file

openssl pkey -in private_key.pem -out public_key.pem -pubout

This will result in another file "public_key.pem" (your public key).

Step 3: generate the CSR

Create a CSR: With your private key, generate a CSR which includes your public key and identifiable information.

openssl req -new -key private_key.pem -out request.csr

Fill in the required fields when prompted.

How to certified my public key ?

Step 1: Go to the certification page

Once logged in, clic on "Uplaod CSR" on the top right of the interface.

Step 2: Upload your CSR

You can either drag and drop or clic to upload your CSR in the attributed section.

Once uploaded you can send your CSR to the UIC-CA

Step 3: Fullfill the XML to send it to the PKMW

Once your CSR is signed by the CA, you will be abble to have the certificate in a base64 format and download it in a .crt format.

Below you will find a form with all the metadata being in the PKMW XML, you will need to fullfill the form to send it to validation to an admin.

Step 4: Validation by the admin

If the form is validated by the admin, the admin will upload your public key certificate with the metadata in the PKMW

If the form is not valid, you will receive an update wy email with the reason for invalidity